A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 32 Restricted Book Zone

He took out an exquisite silver pocket watch from his pocket. The slender silver bracelet shone with tiny light in the night. The hands carved into exquisite flower patterns on the dial were already pointing to half past midnight.

"It's too late to find a fax machine tonight, but the city is out, so let's go to the library and explore the restricted book section." Thinking of this, Owen felt excited in his heart. Regardless of his past life, his thirst for professional knowledge has always been greedy.

The Forbidden Book Zone is the most precious crystallization of Hogwarts' thousands of years of history. Countless pieces of knowledge are laid out like shining pearls, waiting for those who come after you to pick them up.

After quickly reciting a spell to block sounds and breaths, Owen happily climbed up to the second floor of the castle and came to the corridor where the library was located.

The library closes at eight o'clock every night, but the door is still open, like a silent invitation to people wandering out at night.

"Who can bear this..." Owen licked his lips. Although his dream is to become a magician who can create miracles, this does not conflict with and even enhances each other with becoming a magic master. For him, knowledge is power and is a priceless treasure.

He hid outside the door and peeked quietly into the library for a while. In the quiet and dark environment, there were rows of huge bookshelves, like giant beasts crawling and sleeping in the darkness.

At this time, even the librarian Mrs. Pince has gone back to rest. If no professor suddenly slaps his head in the middle of the night and wants to come to the library to check information, only Filch and his cat will come here to patrol. .

But in the past few days, Filch had focused all his energy on waiting, waiting for the little Hufflepuff wizards to line up and jump in front of him, and then put them into confinement... maybe tonight Plus Gryffindor.

Owen, who made a bad report, thought unscrupulously.

He quickly walked to the back half of the library, stepped over the rope that separated the restricted book area from the ordinary area, raised his wand slightly, and whispered: "Luminescent flash."

In this empty and silent environment, Owen's voice traveled very far, sounding low and hollow. The tip of the wand in his hand lit up with a faint glow. Because the brightness was deliberately controlled, the light could only illuminate a small area, and it looked like a white fluorescent ball glowing at night.

Owen placed the tip of the shimmering wand on the rows of books on the bookshelf, letting the inconspicuous light illuminate the titles on the spines, while moving slowly.

"'Evil Spells You Don't Know', 'Poisonous Magic', 'Forgotten Ancient Magic'... It seems like this is the curse area." Owen identified the categories of books on the current bookshelf and was about to go to the next bookshelf. At that moment, he discovered that in the area illuminated by his wand, he found an old book with a peeling cover and no name. A line of dark writing appeared on the spine of the book like a burnt mark, forming the name of the book.

"'Dark Magic, Heart and Soul'." Owen took out the book and flipped through it, but found no treasure map or anything like that hidden in the pages. He still recited "Ji Ji Xian" without giving up. The book was still the same book, and no hidden secret text was revealed.

"Okay, I knew that I was still poisoned by the adventure plot in the novel." Owen put the book back in its place with a smile, "This should be the test mechanism of this book. Those who can see it The name indicates that the person is qualified to read it."

Irving was not surprised by this testing mechanism since he had been exposed to so many books containing magic at home. The test in this book is the mildest and most common type. In addition, some books will emit blood-curdling screams or conjure up terrifying illusions to scare away unqualified readers. There are also some that are more evil, which may emit invisible magic shock waves to break the reader's mind, or even confuse the other person's mind...

But in any case, this kind of reading threshold set by book authors or latecomers is a test and a protection. The purpose is to warn readers not to force themselves to read things they should not be exposed to, so as not to harm others or themselves.

Owen shook his head with great regret. Just now he tried to copy these books in his wall-facing space, but only a few of them could be copied successfully.

"Forget it, it's better than nothing." Owen's mentality has always been very good. After all, as long as he stays at Hogwarts for a few more years, these books will never escape. He slowly walked out of the area and quickly searched among the rows of bookshelves with his wand.

The surroundings were very quiet, and you could only hear the occasional distant sound from somewhere in the castle. It might be that Filch caught a little wizard who violated school rules, or Peeves was playing ball with his armor in some corridor. . Here, they sounded like noisy, high-pitched whispers, making the surroundings even more eerie.

Fortunately, Owen's mental quality has always been good, and he still picks up books as if he were browsing the shelves in a mall, because he knows that even if he is unlucky and gets caught, the most he will do is deduct points and be put in solitary confinement. There are no students who have been punished for violating school rules. Life is incomplete.

"Phew, found it!" Owen saw what he wanted on the upper right side of a row of bookshelves.

"How to See Through the Heart", "The Wonderful Psychic Magic: Legilimency", "Legilimency and Anti-Legilimency", "How to Occlude Your Brain", "Occlumency in Curses"...

Owen pulled out a copy of "How to Shut Down Your Brain", pointed his wand at it and read: "Copy in pairs."

The book trembled in his hand, then returned to calm.

"Sure enough, any book of any value has an anti-copying curse..." Owen muttered silently without any surprise. But the book in her hand must not be taken away directly. He could imagine that if Mrs. Pince found out that a book was missing from the restricted book area tomorrow, she would probably recite a spell on the spot to make the book jump up and hold Owen's neck in her mouth before delivering it to her. .

Owen dug out several rolls of parchment from his bag, then took out a quill and cast a quick copying spell on it. This spell can help the wizard copy the words he sees with his eyes at an extremely fast speed, but because the words copied with it are exactly the same as the words he sees with his eyes, it cannot be used to deal with the copying assignments assigned by professors...

In the following time, Owen quickly turned the pages of the book, and the quill beside him faithfully copied out what he saw. For a moment, the only sounds in the silent library were the clattering of pages and the rustle of quills scratching across parchment.

After spending more than half an hour copying several books on Occlumency and Legilimency, Owen reluctantly left the library.

"Set a small goal first, clear out the forbidden book area." Owen thought silently, "Well, move all the books in the forbidden book area into the brain, or into the space facing the wall!"

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