A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Night Tour Again

When the pointer of the pocket watch slowly pointed to eleven o'clock in the evening, Owen exited the space facing the wall and quietly walked out of the dormitory carrying his suitcase.

It was late at night, and there were only a few people left in the common room. No one spoke, only the flame in the fireplace made a short "cracking" sound from time to time.

Owen came to the stone wall at the exit. The stone door opened slowly and quietly, revealing the dark corridor behind, and the cold and damp breath poured into the warm lounge.

Owen shuddered slightly, tightened his grip on the alley, and walked out quickly. Two people followed silently behind him, a man and a woman, both senior students. The three people looked at each other outside the lounge, and all nodded slightly, choosing different routes in tacit understanding.

"It seems that not many students believe that the fax machine exists, which is good news." Owen recited a magic spell to himself to eliminate sounds and smells, and walked quickly along the deep corridor.

Regarding the fax machine incident, most students thought it was just a farce to impress people. After all, it was too unbelievable and unreasonable. There are still some people who are dubious and feel that it may be dangerous. Only a few people are ready to try their luck.

"The Hufflepuff students should still be blocked in the lounge by Filch. Not many Ravenclaw and Slytherin students believe it. The problem is Gryffindor. Whether they believe it or not, they definitely don't mind. I came out to join in the fun while the chaos was happening.”

There were obviously several times more students on the night tour. By the time Owen walked up to the first floor of the castle, he had already met two groups of young wizards. Fortunately, he did not gain anything. He learned from the two groups of young wizards the areas that the other party had searched, which simplified his route a lot.

After wandering around the first floor of the castle, Owen climbed up to the second floor and quickly searched around along the corridor. At the same time, he did not forget to open a door to check what was inside. Finally, he whispered "The fax machine is coming." ". Although it is most likely useless, it can at least provide a little more psychological comfort.

When passing a corner, Owen heard footsteps approaching quickly from the opposite corridor. He took two steps quickly to avoid bumping into them. Who would have thought that the person at the corner also turned around at the same time and bumped into him with a "bang" sound.

"Ouch..." Two people fell to the ground and groaned, while the remaining person was holding his stomach and laughing.

An old parchment with a map of the entire Hogwarts fluttered down next to Owen, with some small dots marked with names moving around on it.

"The Marauder's Map." Owen ignored the Weasley twins and picked up the map and scanned it quickly, memorizing the areas where the dots were moving in the castle. At the same time, he did not forget to glance at the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. The dot representing Quirrell was staying inside, and Voldemort's name was not displayed next to it.

"You can still bump into each other if you keep looking at the map. I suspect that George, you are deliberately creating an accidental encounter!" The boy who was standing laughed at the other one and stretched out his hand to Owen in a very gentlemanly manner. "Hey, are you okay? Huh? It's you. ah!"

It seemed that there was a big difference between ideal and reality. He retracted his outstretched hand instantly and looked at his brother with some resentment: "I thought it was a girl, although he does look like a girl... George, You have fallen!"

"Shut up, Fred! I just didn't expect him to react so quickly." George got up from the ground, clapped his hands and said, "You know, we just happened to be hiding on the same side... Oh, that's our map ."

"Good evening." Owen finally moved his eyes away from the Marauder's Map and looked at the two guys who talked a lot. He stood up from the ground, patted his robe, and temporarily canceled the silent spell on his body.

"Are you also interested in that unknown fax machine?" He shook the Marauder's Map in his hand and asked first.

"Who can't be curious? Although we think exploring the castle is more interesting than that." Fred said cheerfully, taking the Marauder's Map from Owen.

"It's a very interesting magic item. No wonder you can do whatever you want in the castle." Owen said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth. He just tried to copy a Marauder's Map in the wall-facing space, but failed in the end. Maybe if he wants to copy a creation containing the wizard's magic, he needs to consume connection points?

"We rely not only on it, but on courage and strength, and of course the luxurious toilet in Hogwarts!" George glanced at the Marauder's Map, and his expression suddenly changed. He put his index finger in front of his lips: "Shhh-hide!"

The three people huddled together in a small utility room nearby, and then heard sounds outside.

"Solitary confinement! Twenty points from Gryffindor!" Professor McGonagall's shout came clearly, "How dare you wander around in the middle of the night! I can't believe you two... Mr. Jordan, Johnson Miss, I need an explanation!"

The sound of hurried footsteps gradually faded away, and the Weasley twins beside them let out a groan, followed by a low murmur: "They were caught, we have to laugh at them tomorrow."

Owen couldn't stand the dust in the utility room, so he opened the door first and walked out. The twins followed, choking on the dust and sneezing.

"Since your main purpose is not the fax machine, can you tell me the routes you have explored?" After changing places, Owen said with a sincere expression.

The twins winked at each other, their bright eyes rolling around. This Shafiq looks like a fat sheep!

George said with a smile: "Fair trade, fair trade! Only five gold galleons..."

Owen looked at the two identical evil-smiling faces in amusement, pretending to be helpless and said: "Okay, let me think about it... Well, you are coming from over there, it's the bathroom... the transfiguration classroom, right? , you came from the stairs over to the Transfiguration classroom."

He looked at the eyes and expressions on their faces and continued with a smile: "The stairs over there connect three directions. Obviously you are coming from the north, west, east... on the third floor towards the prize showroom on the east side. Yes. On the fourth floor, you passed the Charms classroom and the Charms office... No, you bypassed the office and passed through the corridor with the one-eyed witch statue..."

Owen looked at the unpredictable expressions of the twin brothers, with a hint of laziness and mystery. In just a moment, he deduced the route they took from the eighth floor to here.

The Weasley twins looked at Owen with twitchy eyes. They always felt that his deep and dark eyes seemed to be filled with teasing and ridicule that could see through people's hearts, and the smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to have become mysterious. Fred took a step back and asked warily: "Do you know Legilimency?"

"It's just magic of the mind... You guys are so understanding." Owen smiled, blinked his left eye, and waved to them, "Thank you for the information, bye."

As he spoke, his body had already passed the corner in front and disappeared from the eyes of the brothers.

After Owen left for a while, the two of them looked at each other and hissed: "This guy must be a bit evil."

"I think we need to learn Occlumency."

"Good idea, let's go to the restricted book area next, don't forget to avoid the dean's office!"

"Oh, poor Li and Angelina, we'd better give them a toilet pusher tomorrow as a token of comfort..."

"I don't agree, why not a toilet seat?"


At the same time, Owen had explored the remaining area on the second floor and arrived on the third floor.

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