A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Transfiguration Lesson

When I woke up, there was still the dark lake outside the window.

Owen pressed his palm against the window glass and pushed it for a long time. After finding that the window was not moving at all, he finally woke up from his stupor.

After tidying himself up unhurriedly and carefully smoothing the wrinkles on his robe in front of the mirror, Owen came to the auditorium full of energy, chose the seat closest to the window, and ate breakfast slowly under the early morning sun. .

The stairs and corridors of Hogwarts were still dizzying. Owen and his companions wandered around for a while before finding the Transfiguration classroom. Pansy did not follow them today, but went to find Malfoy and the others.

When entering the classroom, Professor McGonagall with a straight face was already standing on the podium, although it was still some time before the class started.

Owen glanced at her, a little regretful that he could not see the cat with spectacles-like patterns on its face - Professor McGonagall obviously had no intention of turning into a cat.

In fact, cats are Owen's favorite pets, no matter in the past or present life, but he has never chosen to keep them. As a magician, Owen would keep many magic pigeons, also known as white turtle doves. Cats can easily eat them and their young, which is why he did not keep cats.

Well, so after seeing Professor McGonagall, Owen's first thought was to pet the cat.

But this idea can only remain in fantasy. Owen can't go to Professor McGonagall and say to her: Hello, Professor McGonagall, I heard that you can turn into a cat, can you change it for me? ? I really want to masturbate.

Well, that scene will probably be very nice.

Owen was amused by his own thoughts. He took out his Transfiguration textbook and notes and looked at Blaise who was clumsily practicing hiding a coin in his hand. Owen looked on with a smile, remembering how hard he practiced at that time.

"Huh? Who took the chalk box here?" Professor McGonagall, who was checking the teaching aids, suddenly asked and glanced sternly at the little wizards in front of him.

Looking at the blank stares of the students, she frowned and tapped the bottom of the desk with her wand, but her frown deepened.

Then, she quickly walked out of the professor, and judging from the sound of her footsteps, she should have entered the classroom next to her.

The little wizards began to talk about it, and a Ravenclaw boy said loudly: "I know, when we had Defense Against the Dark Arts class yesterday afternoon, all the chalk in the classroom disappeared. Professor Quirrell went to several classrooms He couldn't find it, and by the time he ran back in a panic holding a box of chalk, half of the class time had passed..."

"Uh..." Blaise and Daphne both looked at Owen involuntarily.

"Probably, it's really Peeves." Owen couldn't help but hold his forehead. He lied to Peeves yesterday morning that chalk was the most precious thing in Hogwarts, and sent him to hide and seek. It seemed that the guy had stolen all the chalk.

Professor McGonagall came back just before class started, holding a bag of chalk in her hand and feeling a sense of low pressure lingering around her body.

When the class started, she looked at everyone with an unprecedented stern look, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous magic among the courses you learn at Hogwarts. If anyone is in my class, If he is naughty or misbehaving in class, I will ask him to go out and never come in again. My warning is up front."

"And don't let me find out who among you is playing a prank and taking away the chalk in every classroom..." Her eyes seemed to scan everyone's face.

The classroom was suddenly so quiet that even Malfoy, who had been so arrogant all day that he didn't care about anything, couldn't help but straighten his posture and put on the posture of a good student.

Before the lecture officially started, Professor McGonagall gave the students a trick and turned the desk into a big, squealing pig, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students.

Well, although Owen knew that this was to cultivate students' interest before class, combined with Professor McGonagall's rigid face, it always made people feel threatened...

Owen looked thoughtfully at the pig transformed from the desk. He knew that the learning of transfiguration was from childhood to adulthood, from simple to complex. To complete the transformation demonstrated by Professor McGonagall, it would take at least fifth grade.

Transfiguration, as a discipline that analyzes the structure of all things and then changes the structure of all things, can be called the physics of the magical world. It's one of the most magical parts of magic, and also the hardest.

Ever since he came into contact with magic theory, Owen has been very interested in transfiguration. To be honest, transfiguration can better express the magic of magic and the power of idealism than spells.

Whether it is converting things of different materials into each other, converting animate and inanimate objects into each other, or making an object disappear with a vanishing spell, it is enough to make scientists faint on the spot. This is precisely the most amazing part of magic.

To be honest, after studying the theory of transfiguration for so long, Owen still has only a little understanding of it. Even though he could barely understand Professor McGonagall's operations now, there were still many areas where he was confused.

This reflects the importance of a good teacher.

Owen looked at Professor McGonagall with burning eyes and listened carefully to her explanation of transfiguration. As a master of transfiguration, Professor McGonagall's explanations are profound and simple, and in many places they are even more subtle. For Owen, who has mastered advanced theoretical knowledge, it often feels like a sudden enlightenment.

He listened to the lecture without skipping a word, and opened his thick Transfiguration Notes, supplementing and making notes beside it. At the same time, he did not forget to write down the doubts in his heart, and planned to take time to ask Professor McGonagall.

Owen listened very happily, but the other little wizards didn't think so. Most of them listened in confusion, and had no choice but to copy down a lot of complicated and difficult notes, with mosquito coils almost coming out of their eyes.

After Professor McGonagall finished explaining, he gave everyone a match and asked them to try to turn it into a needle.

This is also Owen's first time practicing transformation. His training before has always been based on magic spells. At this time, the first time I recited the mantra, it didn't go very well. It just turned the match stick into a shiny silver metal stick.

It can be said that now he is only a theoretical giant with zero practical experience.

But even so, Professor McGonagall was impressed by Owen's performance: "It has such an effect for the first time. I believe you can complete the goal before the end of this class."

Owen smiled, closed his eyes and carefully recalled the feeling just now, summarizing what he did well and what he didn't do well.

"It would be great if we had a microscope. We could see what changes had just occurred. Well, maybe after the holidays we can copy one and put it in the space facing the wall..." He thought like this, and then concentrated on chanting a transformation spell. .

After a few minutes of practice, Irving quickly transformed his match into a tiny, shiny silver needle. In the following time, he tried his best to make the needle he conjured more complicated. First, a lifelike cat head was carved on the tail of the needle, and exquisite and complicated patterns were added to the body of the needle - in the end it didn't look like a needle at all.

Even so, Professor McGonagall was very satisfied and gave Slytherin ten points.

"Professor McGonagall, why don't you let us use some kind of magic spell to understand the basic structure of different materials before deformation? I think this should make the deformation much easier." Professor McGonagall took advantage of the situation before she left. , Owen asked his doubts.

Professor McGonagall was surprised that he could ask such a question now. After a long time, he nodded and said, "What you are talking about is actually something outside of the Hogwarts curriculum. It is knowledge that you will only come into contact with when you study in depth in the field of Transfiguration." , which is also the prerequisite for the transformation technique to be used in wizard battles..."

"At this stage, what you need is to understand the various states of the Transformation Spell and its final results. This can only be mastered through continuous learning and practice. It is also the basis of Transformation. If you are asked to analyze the structure of all things now, you It’s also incomprehensible.”

Owen nodded clearly. In other words, what they have learned at this stage is equivalent to basic formulas and algorithms. What they have to do is to apply them skillfully to solve problems and know what combination of formulas will achieve the desired results. And to understand the principles behind them, that is more advanced knowledge.

Next, Owen threw out the doubts he had accumulated one by one, and got satisfactory answers to them all. After finishing this Q\u0026A, Owen was satisfied, and Professor McGonagall also looked pleased.

"You are preparing to become a heartthrob." Blaise whispered after Professor McGonagall walked away.

"I've always been very popular." Owen said matter-of-factly with a smile. As a magician, how can you lack charm?

"What a coincidence, so am I." Blaise raised his chin.

As he spoke, he poked the match with his wand until it barely turned over. On the other side, Daphne waved her wand patiently, her movements looking graceful and professional - if you ignore her unchanged match.

By the end of the class, no one else had successfully turned a match into a needle. The only one who made some changes to the matches was Harry. Although his matches were still wooden, one end did become sharper.

I have to say that there is motivation only when there is pressure. Harry Potter has reached a fork in his life, and his future may be completely different.

"I wonder what the future will be like? I'm really looking forward to it." Irving thought.

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