A Magician with Super Powers

Chapter 230 The audience is crazy

magician with superpowers

At the beginning, the movement of the wax figure still had obvious mechanical stiffness, and the swing range was not large, and the joint movement can be clearly seen.

He seemed to be constantly adjusting and adapting to this body. At this moment, Li Lekang suddenly raised his hand, and all the force lightning hit MJ's body, sparking a frenzied electric arc!


Fireworks explode and the crowd screams at the same time.

People saw that the previously stiff wax figure flexibly posed MJ's classic pose of pressing the hat to guide the way-he became a flesh and blood flexible person!

This magic makes the audience amazed or amazed!

Changes in seconds, you can't grasp the details of the alternation of true and false at all, but you are fascinated by the fireworks and flashes, as fast as the face-changing in Sichuan opera!

Li Lekang undoubtedly hooked their hearts firmly, making everyone dare not blink for a moment!

Then the music continued, and the singing and dancing started again!

Now the rhythm of the audience is taken over by MJ!

He passionately stepped on the beat and twisted his dance steps, his free-wheeling moonwalks and classic tiptoe movements, the charm portrayed the perfection!

Li Lekang, who is in the same frame as MJ, also has a very unique painting style: the black warrior and MJ danced a moonwalk, which is a rare picture in the century!

Except for this year's Super Bowl, no one will see them in the same frame again!

The styles of the two are integrated but different. MJ's interpretation is naturally his classic, while Li Lekang's style is more modern and more like popping.

There are dozens of backup dancers dressed as astronauts behind him, perfectly presenting Li Lekang's conception of space, science fiction, alien wars and other elements in the 70s and 80s.

Integrating it into magic, subtly burst out new vitality.

The stage flames continued to erupt, and the dynamic music was deafening!

The audience was overwhelmed by the impact of this scene.

The statue turned into a living person, the magician showed off his original force, and the characters across time and space danced mechanically... At this moment, Li Lekang fused them together, and the sense of rhythm was not lost at all.

And this is not copying the previous routine.

MJ's dance is so freewheeling, mechanical dance, space walk is lifelike!

It also made people feel overwhelmed by Li Lekang's creation and design!

This imitator dances too well, right?

The audience can see that this is not a mere imitation, because he also incorporates some current styles.

MJ has lived in another time and space for a long time, and the dance style has of course kept pace with the times.

So while mastering the old songs, he showed his dance moves that are constantly improving with the times. What he presents to the audience is not imitation, but innovation!

And this innovation is very successful and very charming!

The amateur viewers were stunned, they never imagined that this imitator was so good at it!

The professional audience is also full of disbelief, they understand the difficulty of modification better than laymen!

The key point can still maintain the original taste, as if it was performed by yourself?


MJ's dance was performed with soul by him, as if he was present at the scene in person!

They danced the three most classic and popular skewers of Smooth Criminal, Dangerous and BillieJean in one breath.

God-level restoration—it cannot be said to be restoration, it should be the perfect interpretation of the deity!

This makes people overwhelmed and stunned!

For a while, some viewers even felt that he was back!

Because this is the surprise that no imitator has ever brought them!

The fans who are most obsessed with MJ are also the ones who have the most say. Looking at the people on stage, they can no longer tell the truth from reality. They feel that this is more like a dream!

But did Li Lekang fully confirm the answer?

After the end of the three skewers, MJ, who was spinning and dancing, suddenly stopped!

He's back to lifeless wax figure again!

The change in this scene came as a surprise.

The audience no longer knows what to focus on.

Is this top-level magic that is difficult to distinguish between true and false? Or is it the classic artistic fusion displayed by Li Lekang?

Next, Li Lekang will give them the answer!

The light, shadow or electric current released on the stage was controlled by the original force, poured from the air to Li Lekang, and condensed into the image of MJ!

Then Li Lekang opened his arms, and the image of MJ rushed to his body!

The two have completed the fusion!

This brilliant magical performance once again made the audience cheer.

Li Lekang has the controversy of witchcraft, which will definitely ferment to a new height after tonight.

But he doesn't care anymore.

Because even if he officially announced that he was a magician, some people would not believe it.

Even if he denied that he could do magic, there were doubts that he could.

In this world, readers do not look at things from the perspective of God. People only believe in what they want to believe, otherwise even if they tell him that it is true, they will not listen!

back to the present,

Li Lekang-MJ, who has completed the fusion, will continue to break the audience's sanity!

After the classic skewers, what he will perform next is MJ's new track!

They have not been exposed in this time and space, nor have they been performed.

But now, brand new music is playing.

MJ's familiar voice came from the speaker.

Hundreds of millions of viewers will appreciate this unprecedented and unprecedented surprise for the first time!

If the previous imitation is a review of classics and a reappearance standing on the shoulders of giants,

Then the next interpretation is purely Li Lekang's personal talent!

It incorporates the modern elements of the new millennium, and there are some electronic music and psychedelic styles in it. It feels like standing on MJ's past, but it doesn't break away from his soul!

This feeling is not easy to describe, just like Martian's dance style, there is always a shadow of MJ, but it also incorporates modernity and his own characteristics, which has contributed to his current popularity!

Li Lekang is performing this kind of demeanor on the stage now,

What's more terrible is that he also jumped up!

The dance style breaks through the elements of the past and keeps up with the new era!

His long legs are as flexible as MJ's peak period, his body movements are so smooth and natural, he is completely intoxicated in the world of dance, and he is integrated with the environment!

When the audience saw this, they were already on the verge of madness!

They never knew that Li Lekang danced MJ so well, and this is not just imitation, he has his spirit, not his shape!

That is to say, it was created on this basis, and it was created so that it fit the theme!

The audience refreshed their impression of Li Lekang again today.

I thought he was a very powerful magician at first, but no one thought that today's scene made their jaws drop. He also knows how to dance so well?

This is really a monster, right?

It's fine if you can play magic so well, but how can you dance like this?

The audience of 100,000 people was deeply shocked!

The 100-200 million viewers in front of the TV watched intently!

The Super Bowl made them feel the feeling of waiting in front of the TV and looking forward to the wonderful mood back then, and the routine was so fresh that they had never seen before!

As a magician, Li Lekang conquered everyone with dance?

This style of painting makes people feel a little short-circuited and can't keep up with it, but it feels appropriate when I see it!

I don't know whether to call him Li Lekang who is very good at dancing, or MJ who is very good at magic!

While singing and dancing passionately, Li Lekang did not forget to tell the audience that he is a magician.

How about a real moonwalk?

He stepped on the steps with his left foot in the void, stood still, and then under the focus of countless pairs of eyes, he raised his right foot and continued to step on the air steps!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he performed anti-gravity operations against the sky!

The most coquettish thing is that he is still on the beat!

The audience kept their scalps numb. Although they had seen too many magic-like operations by Li Lekang, every time they saw something new, they still doubted the world!

Stepping on the air stairs, walking with both feet off the ground in microgravity, tilting at will at 45 degrees or even lower, and then inverting the body to break through the impossible postures of gravity, light and floating like walking on the moon... What he is performing now is the real one space walk!

The audience felt their scalps go numb, feeling that they must be crazy!

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