A Magician with Super Powers

Chapter 113: Great Harvest of Being a God Stick

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"I am guilty, Omniscient Father God, benevolent Holy Son, I was greedy for a while, I once doubted your authenticity, jealousy made me stupid and blind, I once wanted to test your power..."

Amid everyone's disbelief and disbelief, the archbishop in his 60s prostrated himself on the ground, in embarrassment and repentance, and told the whole story of what he had done. watermark ad test watermark ad test

Based on Li Lekang's knowledge, the reason for his betrayal was that after seeing the fool, he became suspicious, and even thought that Steer's mess would destroy the bishop's ruling structure, so he ordered his confidants to put drugs in the food.

The silly boy just lay down with food poisoning, and he could hide it from the sky, but today's scene really subverted his imagination. After hearing Li Lekang's words, he no longer had the courage to hold on.

He fell to his knees, howling and crying!

He didn't want to be a villain with a long history of infamy, and he didn't want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the traitor of Judas back then, so his fear was vented, and he uttered his evil thoughts in every possible way!

When it came to the end, his eyes turned black, and he was so excited that he fainted suddenly!

Everyone felt that too many amazing things happened today.

No one expected that this kind-hearted bishop would dare to poison the Holy Son!

Steer felt that he was used to the wind and waves, and he couldn't keep calm.

He has cooperated with Mendes a lot, and Mendes has also given him very generous help in organizing events.

But he never expected that he was the one behind the scenes!

Stahl, who was backstabbed by his friend, wanted to ask him why, but then he quickly realized that this is a childish question!

Because on the road of power, there are no friends!

When you have equal status and have the same interests, you may be able to become friends, but when you want to go further and surpass others, people's hearts will change!

So Steer has no mercy for his old friend, put himself in another scene, and he will not show mercy to himself now, so it would be better to raise a knife!

Now Steer, like everyone else, looked to the god in the high hall, waiting for his fate.

This period of time also gave Li Lekang a way to think about how to withdraw.

He knew that the more he talked, the easier it would be for Messiah to fail to follow up, so he used his brain and came up with a more appropriate way.

He used magic to transmit sound, and his lips did not move, but the voice echoed in everyone's ears,

He left four sentences for people:

"Everything in the human world comes to an end in the human world."

"I tell you the truth: I am returning to Paradise!"

"My blood will be handed over to you!"

"It's done!"

After the voice fell, Li Lekang's image was completely frozen.

Everyone was silent, needles could be heard falling on the scene, and suddenly a gust of wind blew, and his image was like smoke blown away by the wind, dissipating in front of everyone.

This method was beyond their imagination, and three thousand saints prostrated themselves on the ground, reciting prayers silently with one voice. They either wept or recited farewell to the Holy Spirit.

The lingering sound lingers in this hall, and the piety echoes in this manor.

The extraordinary skills displayed by Li Lekang made them unable to escape the shock for a long time!

Today must be an unforgettable moment for them.

There were 3,000 saints who witnessed it with their own eyes, and 500,000 spectators watched the whole process in front of the TV!

This live broadcast has no mysterious perspective switching, and there is no change in the distance and near view. It is fixed from multiple angles, just like ultra-high-definition surveillance, all-round real-time live broadcast!

But also because of this, its authenticity explodes! The audience can choose any angle they are curious about, and the pictures presented will subvert reality!

Before today, many saints must have doubts about the existence of gods, but after today, he believes that most people's worldview will be overthrown and rebuilt!

Although this scene was very short, the Holy Spirit descended and returned to the kingdom of heaven, but at this moment everyone, including those in front of the TV, regardless of age or sex, knelt down and prayed for God!


After Li Lekang finished his performance in the church, he teleported back to the room.

Suddenly felt a spiritual emptiness.

Just now, the consumption of magic was too much, so I immediately took out the soul beans I bought in advance, threw a few into my mouth and chewed them, trying to recover the blue bars I had consumed as soon as possible.

Then I went to the window and looked out. The heavy rain stopped quietly, and the sunset began to appear in the sky, but it was already silent outside.

He was thinking about the saints and the gang of gods. They must be in great shock now. It is estimated that many people's worldviews will be overthrown and start over.

Li Lekang doesn't want to join in the fun now, let them digest it in time, anyway, he perfectly restored the trick of pretending to be a ghost!

I don't know what kind of change it will bring?

He even began to look forward to the audience feedback of his "unrestricted" performance!

Among today's series of subverting events, the most sensational and shocking thing for the saints is the return of the Holy Spirit to the human world and displaying supernatural powers!

This afternoon, hundreds of thousands of saints watched the live video!

Even if the live broadcast is over, the playback screen is still playing in rotation!

They watched the whole thing with great patience and devotion.

From the time when the Holy Spirit stepped on the water, the ultra-high-definition camera captured the whole scene. If you observe carefully, you will find that the steps He has taken are beyond the distance of ordinary people!

In fact, this is very similar to the Taoist method of "shrinking the ground into an inch". This trick is used by Li Lekang to slap those who doubt that this is "the same magic principle as Li Lekang"!

The saints have also noticed this, so the magician named Li Lekang, his water walking is quite similar, but can he walk more than ten meters like a holy god?

This scene alone was enough to convince the believers, and then He stepped out of the air, accepting the worship of everyone with a halo on his head, and they almost felt their scalps go numb!

The sudden heavy rain made the 3,000 congregants feel embarrassed, but the next scene made all the believers put down their work!

The rainwater that filled the sky was isolated, and instead of falling on the heads of everyone, it flew back again in an incredible way!

The only way to call wind and rain is the gods!

It was also here that the saints began to let go of other work on a large scale, and concentrated on witnessing the glory of miracles, and some of them had already started to pray along with it.

There is no doubt about everything that will happen next! The magical powers that continue to appear are also constantly adding weight to their beliefs until they are unshakable!

They were deeply honored by the command of the Holy Spirit, and they resolutely carried out his will—he pointed out the traitor in the organization, Francis Mendes.

Then no matter how respected and loved he was before, he has violated the most unforgivable thing, he deserves to die, it is kindness not to burn him to death!

They also recorded the last four words of the Holy Spirit, which will also be written into the organization's scriptures and passed down for continuous study.

The whole thing went so wrong, Li Lekang became the god of the saints.

Then he left behind a cheap son.

But this son really called him father.

Li Lekang felt strange for a while.

But the most significant gain from all this is of course the number of fans!

Through his pact with the fool, the faith will be more focused on him.

In just one night, Juan Ling counted an increase of 400,000 fans!

It took off directly from 500,000 to 900,000!

The accumulation speed leading to the third-level magician has been doubled!

The piety of the saints really surprised him, but he didn't think about it, his performance had already shocked them to the point of crying!

Saints are different from God and Christ. They are small and high-quality, and they were instilled and cultivated since childhood. Today, Li Lekang directly restored their past persistence and speculation into reality!

The qualitative leap accumulated to this level broke out, increasing 400,000 overnight! Even if he is a magic superstar, he can't achieve such a terrifying profit in one day!

So in the end it is still popular to be a magic stick!

ps: Wait a moment, finish today's update in one go.

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