Gu Jinli told his family his guess, and finally added: "Our family must have been targeted, and this Liu E Niang was just a pawn used by the other party to test us. It's just that this test was stupid, and we discovered each other." The presence."

After hearing this, the family members were very frightened. Gu Dashan quickly asked: "Xiaoyu, what should we do?"

Gu Jinli said: "Of course we should first find out who is hiding behind Liu E's mother, and then attack her head on."

She looked at Gu Dashan and the others with frightened expressions on their faces, and said with a smile: "Father, mother, and eldest sister, you don't have to be afraid. Our family didn't just escape from famine. Now, even if we are targeted, we have enough ability to protect ourselves. Besides, Yes, the person behind Liu E Niang is not smart. If the other party was smart, they would not use such despicable means to test our family's strength."

Anyone who can use such tricks to hook up on the street is a complete idiot. Since he is an idiot, what should she worry about?

After Gu Dashan and the others heard this, they felt relieved. But they were still worried. After all, they didn't know who the other party was, and An Ge'er was about to take the scientific examination, but something like this happened at home.

"Do you want to tell your brother about this?" Gu Dashan asked, his face still red when he asked.

Gu Jinli nodded and said, "Of course I have to tell you. My eldest brother told me when I went to Grandpa Ouyang's house to prepare for the exam that I have to tell him everything at home. If I hide it from him, he won't be able to concentrate on the exam."

On the 20th of January, the county government issued a notice that the county examination would begin on February 15th. There were three examinations, each one day, divided into a preliminary examination, a re-examination, and a re-examination. Students who want to take the county examination must sign a guarantee and ask two scholars to act as guarantors before they can take the county examination.

Gu Jinan and the others have already been jointly guaranteed by Shang Xiucai and Qu Xiucai from the county town, so they can study without worries and only wait for the exam on February 15th.

In order to succeed in one fell swoop, Gu Jinan did not stay at home during this period, but studied hard at Mr. Ouyang's house.

The third grandma heard this and said, "Xiaoyu, do you really want to tell An Geer? If he finds out, won't he be distracted?"

What should I do if I can't study well or pass the exam if I'm distracted?

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Third Grandma, you still don't know about my brother's temper? Tell him so that he can feel at ease. If you don't tell him, he will know about it from other places and will only be more worried."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Telling this to eldest brother will make him more careful. If our family is really targeted, then eldest brother will definitely become the primary target of attack."

The third grandma was shocked when she heard this. She patted her thigh and said, "Then you have to tell Brother An to be careful. You can't let him get hurt."

Third Grandpa said: "Don't worry, let Dashan tell Brother An tomorrow."

Then he said to Gu Jinli: "You go too, tell your elder brother carefully, tell him not to be anxious, be careful first, and take the county examination before talking."

Dashan's mouth is not as sharp as Xiaoyu's. If Dashan is left to speak on his own, An Ge'er will only become more anxious if he can't explain clearly.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Hey, third grandpa, don't worry, I will go to grandpa Ouyang's house tomorrow and tell my elder brother about this."

He added: "We have been careful recently and told the other families to be careful too. If the other party is here for our business, then if they can't plot against dad, they will definitely plot against the other families."

Third Grandpa nodded: "What Xiaoyu said is to call several families here tomorrow and ask them to be careful."

Gu Jinxiu, who had been listening by the side, asked at this moment: "Xiaoyu, you said there is someone behind Liu Eniang, and you want to investigate the other party. Where do you start? Do you have a clue?"

Gu Jinli said: "Of course there is. Liu E's mother is the best bait. She will start the investigation from the beginning. Sister, don't worry about this. Brother Luo Wu and the others must have already started the investigation."

In addition to Luo Wu, they also have Qin Sanlang. Neither of them are fools. If something like this happens to her father, they will definitely investigate Liu Eniang.

After hearing this, Gu Jinxiu felt a little relieved, but then started to worry about Luo Wu. On February 2nd, the Escort Agency will be officially unveiled and opened. Brother Luo Wu has already been working in both the Yamen and the Escort Agency, and now he has to investigate Liu E Niang's affairs. It is really hard work. I wonder if my body can handle it?

Gu Jinli saw Gu Jinxiu's worry and smiled: "Sister, don't worry too much. If you can't even handle this little thing, how will Brother Luo Wu take care of his wife and children after he gets married and becomes a father?"

The words wife and children directly made Gu Jinxiu's face turn red.

Gu Jinli saw it funny and stopped saying anything that made Gu Jinxiu blush. Instead, he said to Cui, "Mom, please take my father to the dining room for dinner."

Gu Dashan came back late and had already had dinner at home.

Ms. Cui nodded quickly and said to Gu Dashan, "Dad, go have a meal. I've left some good food for you."

"Okay." Gu Dashan smiled and went to the dining room with Mr. Cui.

Brother Cheng wanted to follow, but Gu Jinli grabbed him: "What are you going to do?"

My parents must have something to say in private. Even though you are a son, you can't make a light bulb.

Brother Cheng touched his stomach and said honestly: "I'm a little hungry."

The corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched: "You've been eating too much lately. Don't you have bean dregs cakes in your yard? Just go back and eat that."

Then he pushed Brother Cheng: "Hurry back to the yard and sleep. We have to get up early for school tomorrow."

Brother Cheng could only nod: "Okay, eldest sister and second sister, let's go back together."

As he said this, he held an older sister by the hand, and after speaking to his grandfather and grandmother, the three siblings walked towards the courtyard of the back house.

On the way, Brother Cheng asked Gu Jinli: "Second sister, is the person behind Liu E Niang really not something to be afraid of?"

After Gu Jinxiu heard this, he also looked at Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli said: "It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of at the moment. It is really not smart to use Liu E Niang to plot against our father. The young family is very angry and is not popular at all."

A truly capable person would not use this kind of woman card. Instead, he would strike directly at his opponent's vitality gate as soon as he made a move. Even if he could not kill his opponent with one move, he would still severely injure his opponent's vitality.

But Liu Eniang, well, it’s not that she looked down upon her. Even if Liu Eniang succeeded, it wouldn’t cause much harm to her family. At most, it would be a waste of one hundred taels of silver.

Gu Jinli said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. Someone will handle it. Let's get some sleep first."

She said someone would take care of it, she was talking about Qin Sanlang. He had been working in the military office for three years. Not only did he have full control of the military office, he also knew everything about the county. He must already know about Liu Eniang's affairs. As long as he knows, he will start to investigate.

Gu Jinli really knew Qin Sanlang. She guessed right. Qin Sanlang already knew about this and had already led someone to beat Qian Dabiao and ask some questions.

At dawn, Gu Jinli was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves.

Someone is riding into the village!

She was startled and hurriedly turned over and sat up. She heard the sound of horse hoofbeats coming from far away. She passed by her house and stopped behind the Qin family's house. She laughed. It was Qin Sanlang who was back.

She did not go back to sleep, but got up, went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, took the five eggs that Sister Li had simmered in the stove, and went out.

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