Lin Leniang collapsed and cried: "You came up with the idea for me, and you took me to see Qin Baihu. It was a good idea at the beginning, why did it suddenly change? I won't marry Wu Da, I won't marry!" He helps his father blacksmith every day, and he is covered in stinky sweat and smells terrible. I am Lord Xiaoqi's biological sister, and I am considered a lady from an official family. I don't want to marry him!"

Then he sneered and said harshly: "I will go find Qin Baihu now. If he looks at me seriously, he will definitely like me and take me in as his second wife!"

Lin Leniang was the only girl in the family and was spoiled. She ran out as soon as she finished speaking. Lin Xiaoqi was confused even if he tried to stop her.

As a result, there was a bang and she suddenly fell down at the door of her courtyard.

Lin Xiaoqi was shocked, knowing that it was You An's group who did it, and immediately called Mrs. Lin: "Mom, Le Niang has fainted, take her back quickly."

"Le Niang, Le Niang, my son, what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Lin cried as she carried Lin Leniang into the house and pinched her by the waist.

It was not easy to pinch Lin Leniang awake, but she was stubborn and struggled to run out to find Qin Baihu.

Lin Xiaoqi was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split. He knocked out Lin Leniang with a knife and said to Lin Lao Niang: "Mom, Le Niang is stunned. Let her be locked up at home for a while. After I have settled the marriage with the Wu family, I will take her to the house again." Release it."

Mrs. Lin was so confused that she grabbed Lin Xiaoqi's hand and said, "Second brother, do you really want to marry Le Niang to the Wu family? Although the Wu family runs a shop in the town, Qin Baihu will become a general in the future. , the general’s second wife is also a wife, if you don’t marry, it will be for nothing.”

"Mom, how long has it been since you said this? Wake up, your son is no longer from the Military Command, and our family cannot be related to Qin Baihu!" Lin Xiaoqi roared until his voice almost broke. I still can't wake up Mrs. Lin.

Lin Xiaoqi had no choice but to say: "Let's do this for now. You will know after a while."

Lin Xiaoqi said, no longer talking to the family, went to Mrs. Lin's house, closed the door, searched out the house deeds, land deeds and bank deposits, and took them for herself.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin closed the door after seeing him enter the house. They became anxious and patted the door: "Second brother, second brother, open the door. What are you doing in there? Come out quickly!"

But Lin Xiaoqi ignored them, found these things before Lin Da broke in, put them on himself, opened the door with a creak, and said directly: "Brother, let's split up the family. If you agree to split up, we will share everything in the house equally." .”

"Bah, you, the second oldest, want to share the family property equally with the eldest, what are you dreaming about?" Sister-in-law Lin started to act rude again: "I'll give you my old house, two acres of land and three taels of silver, get out."

Then he mocked: "Without Xiaoqi's position, do you think you can still be the boss in the family? The boss of this family is your eldest brother."

With a whoosh, Lin Xiaoqi directly pulled out the knife and put it on Sister-in-law Lin's neck: "Ms. Lin Zhu, don't think that since you are the eldest sister-in-law, I won't dare to kill you. It makes me anxious. Killing you is just a matter of one knife. At that time, I can say that you are the thief, and I will help my eldest brother clean up the house. Your natal family is a bunch of poor people, but if my family gives them three taels of silver, they will not dare to cause trouble."

"As for my eldest brother, do you think he is willing to protect you, or is he willing to wait until you die before marrying a young girl?"

Lin Xiaoqi looked at Lin Daodao: "Brother, my younger brother has also saved some private money over the years. I can spend it to buy you a good-looking and young wife."

When Lin Da heard this, he hesitated and did not come over to help Sister-in-law Lin immediately.

Sister-in-law Lin couldn't stop crying when she saw this: "Oh, my God, I was blind and married you, a beast, and you actually thought of waiting for me to die so that you could marry a young and beautiful girl!"

Sister-in-law Lin wanted to fight Mr. Lin, but she had a knife on her neck and did not dare to move. She could only cry and curse.

Lin Xiaoqi's hand exerted force, and the blade cut a small wound on Sister-in-law Lin's neck. Sister-in-law Lin was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground, crying and begging: "Second brother, Second brother, I know I'm wrong. Please take care of me." For the Lin family’s sake of having a son and a daughter, don’t argue with your sister-in-law.”

Her two children also ran out and knelt down, begging Lin Xiaoqi: "Second uncle, second uncle, don't kill my mother."

Lin Xiaoqi just wanted to scare Sister-in-law Lin and tell her to stop making trouble. It was impossible to kill her in public.

Lin Xiaoqi did not let go immediately, but said again: "My position as Xiaoqi has been taken away, and I will no longer be a member of the Military Division. If you don't want to be retaliated by others, please be honest with me."

Since he became Xiaoqi, his family members have been very arrogant, and the most arrogant one is Lin Zhu. Everyone in the village has been offended by her. She even went back to her parents' home to brag about how she had defrauded several families of their money, saying that she wanted to He offered the girls from those families to be his wives, and deceived those families in circles.

He knew about this. When he heard about it, he was very proud. He felt that he was a rich man and girls from all over the country wanted to marry him.

Now I realize how stupid I was!

If he had been smarter, he would not have ended up like this.

"Yeah, yeah, we must be honest, honest." Sister-in-law Lin responded quickly, fearing that Lin Xiaoqi would kill her.

Lin Xiaoqi added: "A person from Qin Baihu who escaped from famine is not an easy person to get along with if he can become a Baihu. Back then, he went to kill water bandits, and I don't know how many water bandits died in his hands. Now he The wings have hardened and are more powerful than before. If you still dare to plot against him, don’t blame me for not warning you if you die by then."

Mrs. Lin trembled when she heard this: "I just said that Qin Baihu cannot marry. He has killed water bandits. Such a person is very evil and cannot be provoked casually."

Lin Da was still a little unhappy. He really wanted to be Qin Baihu's brother-in-law: "Second brother, at first you said that our Le Niang was more than enough to support Qin Baihu. You also said that the Gu family's girl was too good-looking, so how about using sex to serve people? They are all concubines. After Qin Baihu marries our Le Niang, let Le Niang go to the Gu family to propose marriage, and then marry the girl from the Gu family to be Qin Baihu’s concubine, and let Qin Baihu see how happy we are. My mother is so virtuous, why have you changed your tune now?"

When Lin Xiaoqi heard this, he wanted to slap himself twice. It turned out that he was so arrogant before, and he even said such things: "So now I have received retribution. The position of Xiaoqi Commander is gone, and the job of the Division of Soldiers is also lost." Now, brother, do you still want to pluck Qin Baihu’s beard?”

Lin Da trembled in fear. He didn't dare to go to Qin Baihu to trouble him, but he felt that he could go to Gu Jinli to trouble him. After all, he was a girl's family, and they wanted face and reputation. If he made trouble with her, he would definitely behave. obedient.

Lin Xiaoqi saw through Lin Da's thoughts and sneered: "I will lose my position as flag leader all because you offended the Gu family girl. If you dare to trouble her again, will Qin Baihu let you go?!"

Then he said: "Do you really think that the girl from the Gu family is easy to bully? If she wants to deal with our family, she will not accept our aphids, or directly say that there is a problem with our aphids, so she can report us to the authorities immediately. What do you think? Are you going to squat in the county jail? Her father and eldest brother have dined with Magistrate Zheng."

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