A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 651 Falling into a trap

In the past, she said that Qin Erlang was a deep pit and was too stupid, and she told Luo Huiniang not to fall in love with Qin Erlang, otherwise she would fall into the pit and be unable to get up.

But Qin Sanlang's family's pit is not shallow either.

And she seemed to have fallen.

Brother Cheng was confused when he heard this: "The second brother-in-law will be a fugitive in the future? Second sister, are you having a strange dream again?"

The second sister always has weird dreams, and then uses the things in her dreams to scare him, so he won't be fooled.

Gu Jinli: "Just think of it as a dream. Tell me quickly. If my second brother-in-law causes our whole family to be beheaded in the future, will I still marry your second sister?"

Brother Cheng glanced at her, then looked at her again, turned around and ran to knock on Gu Jinxiu's door: "Sister, are you awake? Get up soon. Brother Cheng wants to drink the chestnut porridge cooked by eldest sister."

The eldest sister, please get up and save me. The second sister is crazy again.

"Here we come." Gu Jinxiu responded, and soon came out to open the door. He looked at Brother Cheng and smiled and said, "It takes a lot of work to make chestnut porridge. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it this morning."

Brother Cheng smiled and said: "Sister, please stay up for now. Brother Cheng can eat it at night."

Gu Jinli crossed his arms over his chest, with a sneer on his lips, and walked over slowly: "Gu Jincheng, do you want to eat chestnut porridge or do you want to ask eldest sister for help?"

Brother Cheng's little body trembled, and he felt a strong wind coming from behind him. He moved his little body and spun his feet again, successfully evading the sneak attack of his second sister, and ran away: "Mom, Brother Cheng is here. Let me make breakfast for you!”

I was very grateful to Mr. Qin. Thanks to Grandpa Qin teaching him boxing and kicking skills every day for the past three years, he was able to escape the disaster.

Gu Jinli was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Boy, just wait for me."

Brother Cheng heard this, but he was not afraid. He thought that he should not wake up the second sister in the next few days and wait until the elder brother came back. With the elder brother here, he would not be afraid of being bullied by the second sister.

Gu Jinxiu laughed: "What's wrong with you two?"

Gu Jinli looked at Gu Jinxiu and asked her the same question: "Sister, if the man I marry is a fugitive in the future, we may be beheaded by him. Should I marry him?"

Gu Jinxiu was stunned when he heard this and said with a smile: "You talk nonsense again."

But she still answered Gu Jinli's question: "We are a family, and we should shoulder the responsibility together when something goes wrong. No matter you marry a fugitive, a rich man, or an ordinary farmer, if something goes wrong, our family will be with you." Husband and wife carry it together.”

So touched! Definitely a biological sister.

Gu Jinli felt comfortable after getting a satisfactory answer. He took Gu Jinxiu's hand, called Qi Kangle, and went to work in the kitchen.

Sister Li got up early to practice martial arts, and also took Xiao Ji away who wanted to sleep in. Now the two of them are not in the yard.

With Gu Jinxiu's words, Gu Jinli had a big appetite this morning and ate three bean dregs cakes, three eggs, a sweet potato and a bowl of porridge.

Brother Cheng's mouth opened in shock: "Second sister, you are going to eat up all the food in the house. Can you eat less?"

Gu Jinli hummed: "Our family has a lot of food. We can't finish it all, okay?"

She hasn't sold the grain in the past few years, but has saved it all. When the weather is good, she will pull it out and dry it. She also grinds the sweet potatoes into sweet potato powder and dry them in the sun. Keep food for emergencies.

Gu Dashan smiled and said: "Our family is no longer what it used to be. We can eat as much as we want."

While talking, he peeled another egg for Cui.

In the past, when she was in her hometown, Ms. Cui couldn't even eat an egg during her confinement period. Now she can eat whatever she wants. Songzi Village will send a basket of fresh eggs every few days.

Ms. Cui was used to Gu Dashan peeling eggs for her to eat. She took it with a smile. After taking a bite, she gave Gu Dashan a bean dregs cake: "Dad, please eat more. It's cold and you have to go to the workshop later." I’m busy working, and I’ll feel cold if I don’t eat enough.”

Gu Jinli was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, but when she thought about it, Brother Qin would also peel chestnuts for her to eat... Uh, why did she think of Brother Qin again?

No, you can’t think about it, you have to hold still!

Gu Jinli felt that it was bad for him to be like this. He should get busy and stop thinking about Brother Qin all the time.

She finished her meal quickly and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm going to the workshop first. People from Xuanhufang are coming to inspect the goods today."

After saying that, he took Xiaoji, who was already waiting at the door, to the workshop.

In the workshop, Qiu Lang and the others were already busy. When they saw Gu Jinli coming, they all said hello.

Today's pharmaceutical workshops are very large, and all pharmaceutical processes are well done, just like industrial assembly lines. Dispensing, brewing, and packaging are clearly divided and organized.

Ah Shi has studied with Aunt Hong and Grandma Tao for several years, and now he is even more comfortable in doing things. When he saw Gu Jinli coming, he came over with his account book and reported: "Little boss, the goods to be shipped this time have been prepared. 100,000 bottles of Fenghan Qufeng Pills, 100,000 bottles of Fenghan Qucough Pills, 100,000 bottles of Antipruritic Hand Ointment, 50,000 bottles of Quick Heat Dissipation Pills, 50,000 bottles of Qufeng and Pain Relief Pills, and 3,000 kilograms of Gu's Gold Medicinal Medicine .”

When the weather is cold, many people in Dachu will suffer from chilblains. Antipruritic Hand Cream is used to treat this, Jisu Cooling Pills are used to reduce fevers for people with persistent high fevers, and Qufeng Zhitong Pills are used for people suffering from rheumatism. The medicines used by people are all targeted medicines, which are new convenient medicines that she has developed in the past three years.

However, she only makes these common medicines that are more popular, and she does not touch some medicines that treat internal organs or rare diseases.

She knew how to make those medicines and had her own prescriptions, but she would not turn those prescriptions into convenient medicines because she did not want to take on too much responsibility.

As for medicine, just make something to treat colds and colds. If you make it too complicated, something may happen.

Gu Jinli nodded and asked Ah Shi, "Who is guarding these goods?"

Ah Shi said: "Uncle Kan will personally take the New Year's Eve and the others to guard it, so my little boss can rest assured."

Speaking of Kan Liu, Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Uncle Xiao Liu finally came to work? I thought he was going to guard Aunt Hong until she gave birth."

Kan Liu waited hard for Aunt Hong for more than two years, and finally married Aunt Hong during the Dragon Boat Festival this year.

The reason why Aunt Hong was unwilling to marry Uncle Kan Liu was that when she was in trouble at Aunt Wu's house in her early years, she was raped by a guard who ransacked the house.

Aunt Hong felt sorry for Kan Liu and was unwilling to marry him.

But Kan Liu was so old that he didn't care about this anymore. After talking about it, Aunt Hong saw that Kan Liu was still so kind to her, so she let go of her worries and got together with Kan Liu.

Now that Aunt Hong is pregnant, Kan Liu is very happy. Some time ago, he watched Aunt Hong every day and stopped working in the workshop.

Aunt Tao was also very happy and cried secretly, saying that Aunt Hong had finally come to the end of her hardships.

When Aunt Hong was dragged away by the guards, she saw it, but she couldn't save her... whose house was ransacked, which maidservant had not been humiliated to protect the master?

If Aunt Hong and the others don't suffer, the one who will suffer will be the master.

Fortunately, everything is over.

As soon as Chenshi arrived, old doctor Wu came with a team of doctors and several medicine boys from Xuanhufang. It took a group of people a full five days to complete the test.

On the day of shipment, Gu Jinli breathed a sigh of relief and giggled while holding a box of banknotes.

Old Doctor Wu was dazzled by this and said angrily: "You girl like money so much?"

Gu Jinli replied angrily: "Of course, money is the best!"

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