A Genius and a God Fell In Love

Chapter 210 Hidden danger

"Could it be that the ghost image is not finished?"

"But the surrounding NPCs have returned to normal. How about we go to other streets to see other people?"


"He Yu, are you leaving?"

He Yu said to Qian Xia, "Let's go and see together."

The beret girl raised her eyes slightly, looked at the players in front of her, and gave a meaningful smile.

It's too early for you to be happy.

in fantasy

Nangong Nan was also as surprised as other players as to why the judge didn't report it.

She believed that the scholar would not lie to her, and there was only one reason.

Not all ghosting is extracted.

"Xiao Nan, the town has returned to normal. You will be happy from now on. Don't be sad."

Nangong Nan nodded, stood up and said, "Thank you godfather."

"What does a family say to say thank you?"

The scholar said warmly: "It's getting dark, let's go home."


Back at the thatched house, the old woman was already making dinner.

Nangong Nan wanted to go in to help, but the scholar refused to let her go, saying that if the girl went into any kitchen, she would not be pretty if she was covered in oil fumes.

She had no choice but to play chess with the scholar and wait for dinner.

After dinner, the scholar chatted with Nangong Nan for a while and then went to bed.

He smiled and said, "Old people get sleepy as soon as it gets dark and can't bear it anymore. Xiaonan, you should go to bed early."


The scholar left, and the judge's voice sounded, [Ding, this round of the game has been going on for eight hours, and the remaining time is two hours~]

Nangong Nan pursed his lips and went to the room.

When the old woman saw her coming in, she quickly said: "The bed is already made, go and have a rest."

"Thank you godmother."

Nangong Nan smiled and sat down at the table and said, "Godmother, please sit down too and let's chat."

The old woman sat opposite her. She looked at the girl for two seconds and said, "Want to pick up what you left unfinished during the day?"

Nangong Nan smiled and nodded, "There's no one around and it's very quiet. If my godmother has something to say, I'll listen attentively."

The old woman said: "After hearing my secret, you are no longer my daughter here. Do you know what the outcome will be?"

"My godfather will kill me?"

The old woman shook her head, the corners of her mouth curved in an uncomfortable way, and said, "He probably won't kill you."

Nangong Nan seemed relieved and said, "That's okay."

The old woman looked at her strangely, "Little girl, you are too naive."

She sat up straight and said, "How old do you think I am? How old do I look?"

Nangong Nan said: "Eighty and up."

"Hehehe." The old woman laughed, "Eighty, but my real age is only forty."

Nangong Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the old man opposite continued, "When I first came here, I was a young girl like you, and the way he looked at me was also very gentle."

"His love for you is the same as his love for me."

Nangong Nan said, "Were you once his daughter?"


The old woman said, "The first time I saw him, he looked like this, white jade, delicate, gentle and gentle. It was hard not to be attracted to him."

Nangong Nan's eyes changed slightly, "So..."

"So, my love for him grew over time, and it turned from family affection into love. I fell in love with him."

The old woman's face showed desolation, "My father has not loved my mother since I was a child. When I met him, I thought I would meet the support of my life, but I didn't expect...it turned into a nightmare in the end."

"He discovered my love for him, and the normally gentle and amiable person became extremely irritable and completely unrecognizable to me."

"I hugged him and cried, begging him to forgive me, begging him not to drive me away, not to abandon me."

"He agreed."

When the old woman said this, her wrinkled face looked sad and painful.

"He said he could satisfy my request, but he would have to pay a price because I was no longer his favorite daughter."

"Is your price the price?"

"Yes, do you know why he stays young forever? This is the accumulated price of every 'daughter'."

Nangong Nan asked in time: "Why is he obsessed with his daughter? Did he have a biological daughter before?"

The old woman said: "No, he didn't get married, and he didn't get married when he lived in the town."

Nangong Nan frowned, "Then why did he come here from the town?"

"He told me that it was because of a change a thousand years ago that he changed from the head of a town to a commoner scholar here."

The old woman shook her head, "Things that happened a thousand years ago can no longer be investigated. However, I know why he likes his daughter. He told me about it."

"There are many boys in his family, but there is no girl. His parents have been telling him since he was a child that it would be perfect if there was a girl in our family."

"Perhaps he was overly hypnotized by his parents, and his daughter became his obsession."

Nangong Nan nodded: "That's it."

The old woman said: "You are the first person to enter the illusion in these decades, and you are also his favorite daughter."

"You are also the first person to wear this Yunshangsha. It's a pity..."

She laughed crazily, "His favorite daughter also betrayed her, hahaha~"

She looked up at her, her voice was as ethereal as smoke, full of malice, and full of desolation, "What will be your end? I'm really looking forward to it."

Suddenly, the door suddenly opened from the outside.

The scholar, covered in black energy and furious, appeared at the door.

The old woman was startled, and her body shivered instinctively.

She hurriedly opened her mouth to speak, but before her voice came out, a hand grabbed her neck. It was the scholar's hand.

His arms became very long, like a long snake. He was at the door, and his fingers had already wrapped around the neck of the old woman in the house.

Without giving her a chance to call for help, with a "click", the white-haired old man disappeared.

He threw away the old woman's body and walked in, the candlelight reflecting his shadow.

Nangong Nan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his shadow was rapidly splitting.

In just a few seconds, a double image with teeth and claws was split.

This ghost was even more terrifying than the ghosts of the residents of the town, like thick black ink or the deep night.

The double images were strange and overwhelming.

Nangong Nan stood up and took out the Variety Rope as a precaution.

At the same time, the judge’s voice came: [Ding, the BOSS has been activated, players who challenge the BOSS, please be prepared~]

The players in the town stopped suddenly. It was completely dark by now.

The weak candlelight illuminates the empty streets, the buildings are simple and quiet, all the NPCs have fallen asleep, and only the players are still struggling to break through the level.

"Did you hear it? BOSS has been activated."

The hedgehog-headed boy said loudly. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes were wide open. He was obviously shocked.

"Could it be that the players who drew ghost images in batches activated the BOSS?"

"definitely is."

The male player was breathing heavily and was excited.

"We are saved. This big boss who does big things in a muffled voice will definitely take us out."

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