Xiao Mi:

I have already taken all the medicine last time. The pharmacist in Bu Bu Lu refused to give me the medicine because it was a bit strong. Please give me a prescription after the exam. Please, please!

If the test is a piece of cake at your level, it won’t be a blessing. It’s for sure, your patient said it!

Hu Shao

"Hu Shao is sick?"

After inquiring to no avail, we didn't get any useful information, so we had to go back to the examinee's storage point and rummage through it. We didn't find Perun's letter, but we found Hu Shao's. And I unexpectedly got the message that she was sick. Breaking news.

Her belly is full of messy gears and other things... can she get sick?

Mithras rolled his eyes at me

"Sickness is not only reflected in the body. When will our social circle gather together, I will do a psychological investigation."

Berning also asked me this a few days ago. If it doesn't work, just relaunch the plan that has been shelved in my mind.

But I forgot most of the content. In the end, I had a dream. Maybe there are others. Anyone wants to join?……

"Ahem, Hu Shao suffers from a mental illness called Theseus Syndrome. Let me describe it to you in detail.——"

It is a psychological disease that occurs when a part of the body is changed into a prosthetic limb or machine for various reasons. It usually only begins to show up when the body's transformation degree exceeds 50%. This name comes from one of the hypotheses put forward by ancient Inron scholars. It is a paradox about identity replacement - assuming that the components of an object have been replaced, is it still the original object?

Ships sailing at sea require constant repairs and parts replacement until all functional parts have been replaced, not just the original ones. The question is, is the resulting ship still the same ship, or is it a completely different ship? If not, at what point does it cease to be the same ship? If all the old parts removed from this ship were used to build a new ship, which one would be the original ship?

For those scholars, it is just a topic, but this trouble has indeed fallen on Hu Shao.

I understand that replacement of original body organs will indeed have a big impact on life and psychological obstacles, but Hu Shao is one of those particularly optimistic people who can even perform a show in front of Qian Yanjun in a physical sense and run away. , because he thought the replacement part was too heavy, he threw his calf to an acquaintance in Qianyan Army and went back on his own... I never thought of the possibility that such a person could not accept me.

I asked:"Even if she never thought about it?"

"There may be something that awakened her subconscious." Mithras began to pack his things."The last living person she came into contact with before the diagnosis was Perun. This is also an important reason why I ask you to find him."

So Mithras thinks that Perun is the one who caused Hushao Theseus Syndrome, but why do he need to conduct psychological surveys on all his acquaintances in the social circle?

Mithras sighed heavily

"Do you think Perun is normal?" ah?

"His mental condition wasn't much better. Before he saved me, I knew each other because we saw him at an art exhibition, and our understanding of the character was normal. But after seeing the tragic scene on the ground that time, he showed an unusual enthusiasm for dismantling objects. From the simplest daily necessities to Fontaine's advanced mechanical products, the methods range from ordinary disassembly to violent solutions, and they are getting more and more serious... As far as I know, he is no longer able to control his behavior. I have sufficient evidence to confirm that he suffers from object dismantling syndrome."

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