A strong smell of potion came out as the door of Chenxi Winery opened.

"Lulu, please help me call those two temporary workers back."

A tall girl with black hair and red eyes walked out on crutches and waved in my direction.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Ling Kong."

Berning rarely had his hair loose, and his right leg was wrapped with white gauze, which suddenly reminded me of the day when my hands were wrapped like that.

I nodded in greeting, but ended up going off topic:"How did you become this? Is this it?"

I'm obviously here to ask about Hu Shao.

"It's nothing... I just saw a completely unexpected [person] and had a fight with him."

I noticed that she added an accent to the word"人"

"But I guess Your Excellency Lingkong came to me for something else. What is it specifically?"


I conveyed my doubts to Bernin.

In fact, I know more or less about Hu Shao. After all, there are so many legends about the Liyue Rebirth Hall. As for how to verify the authenticity, it is naturally most convenient to ask the person involved.

It is said that when the disaster 500 years ago hit Liyue, the number of undead produced was far greater than usual. Even the master of the Hall of Rebirth could not bear the backlash of the undead. In order to avoid the severance of the bloodline, the Hu family elected a A member of the side clan who was usually not taken seriously came to take up the post of hall leader.

It is said that it is a substitute, but in fact it is a scapegoat. All the work of rescuing the undead must be handled by the hall master. If there are too many negative effects in a short period of time, it will range from a drastic change in personality to a rapid decline in physiological functions, until the body festers and dies.

Although I don't quite understand Liyue's ghost theory, judging from Hu Shao's condition, she endured such pain until the last moment of her life, but was"resurrected" due to an accident 500 years later.

Therefore, Hu Shao has already acquiesced to the partial authenticity of this rumor, and she must also know why her name cannot be included in the family genealogy.

But why did she show that expression at that time?

That kind of cracking look is more like knowing that something you believe in as the truth is easily shattered.

Or to put it in simpler terms... can it be called"destroying the three views"?

It's really appropriate for me to ask Berning about this kind of thing. There should be nothing in the world that can restrain her.

"Lord Lingkong can be understood as the person who broke my right leg and the person who shocked Ah Shao - or the thing is the same, but I don't recommend you to investigate."

Berning's suggestion is very pertinent. Although there is a possibility of letting go, if she can be injured, it is definitely not something I can face.

So what is it that can make two people I know well behave at the same time? Abnormal?

"By the way, this is the first time Lord Lingkong has come to see Lulu like this. As long as you don’t reveal your identity, everything will be easy. She is definitely a good child.……"

As we chatted, the topic started to change again, and we started discussing the white-haired girl Lugobias.

Yes, this is not the first time I meet her.

At that time, for the sake of not hiding anything, I truthfully explained the fact that I had been a fool before. Just when I thought Mithras' reaction was extreme - the girl suddenly raised a sword that was taller than her and hit her directly. Come over.

Although I hid quickly and Bernin stopped her in time, the anger in Lugobias's eyes could not be hidden.

In other words, she had no intention of hiding it at all, and just wanted to expose it to me nakedly.

What on earth could be happening...

Lugobias brought back the people who were helping in the vineyard. Upon closer inspection, they were still two acquaintances. No, one person and one food item.

"Your Excellency Lingkong?"

Bernin's voice gradually became distorted, and my heart suddenly seemed to be grasped by something.

As the girl came closer, I saw Lugobias hanging on the Eye of God on her chest, and it was covered in a very familiar place to me. Knocked off a small corner

Dividing line

You can watch it in conjunction with the personal entries of lof characters~ (Involving some spoilers)

I really don’t want to study across provinces... I’m so tired... so please forgive my irregular updates ()

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