A Cannon Fodder Female Partner To Raise a Cub In The Era Novel

Chapter 548: Maybe she thought of who it was

Chapter 548 Perhaps, she thought of who it was

“Captain, why don’t you call the young...sisters in the team together and cross-examine them? Although last night was chaotic, most of the acquaintances were together, so it should be easy to find out who is alone.”

Jiang Xiaoxin’s serious advice.

Originally, he was dressed up like a young adult, but when he accidentally saw Li Jing in the crowd, he immediately grinned at her with his bright white teeth.

He just smiled and shouted loudly, "Mother!"

Li Jing shook her head slightly, with a thoughtful look on her face. She was checking the thieves one by one.

There are many young women in the brigade. A doll calls her sister. She may be an unmarried young woman.

Jiang Xiaoxin felt that what Douya said was unreliable, but Li Jing thought that Douya called her sister for a reason.

 The most likely possibility is that Dou Ya recognized the voice of the thief, or that she called this person sister when she met him before.

It's not someone Douya is very familiar with, that's why she calls her sister like this, but she can't tell who it is!

 Perhaps she thought of who it was!

Li Jing squinted her eyes.

On the other hand, Jiang Qingzhi waved his hand, "Douya is so young and can't speak clearly. How can he take what he says seriously?"

Jiang Xiaoxin also knew that he couldn't believe everything Douya said, but he couldn't believe it either. A child as young as Douya couldn't lie.

"team leader…"

 Jiang Qingzhi waved his hand again.

He has some ideas in his mind, and he needs to discuss the details with other cadres in the brigade. No matter what, he won't discuss it with a kid like Jiang Xiaoxin.

 He changed the subject: "The team will investigate the matter of Maizi and tell us about your rabbit..."

Jiang Xiaoxin suddenly became excited and spoke first: "Captain, I caught our rabbits in the first place, and then we gave birth to so many little rabbits. Logically speaking, I am the owner of these rabbits."

“Jiang Xiaofei just gave my rabbit to someone else in just one sentence. I don’t agree. Maodou and his family must give my rabbit back!”

Maodou said anxiously: "No, that's my rabbit!"

 “My family!”

Jiang Xiaoxin grinned and said, "I've been feeding it since I was a child. If you say it's from your family, it's from your family. Does that make sense?"

  "Okay!"    Jiang Qingzhi interrupted the two children.

  I can’t be the master of the house, and yet I still make so much noise!

 Jiang Qingzhi's eyes moved from Maodou Daddy to Li Jing.

 “What do you say about defending the country?”

Li Jing raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Xiaoxin, who was anxious and obviously disagreed. She thought for a moment and said, "We accept the compensation for Jiang Weimin, but we don't agree with the compensation for the rabbit."

“They can take other things in that house, furniture, etc., but not rabbits!”

 Jiang Xiaoxin obviously regarded those rabbits as his own little treasures. If he really gave them to others, he would miss them for the rest of his life.

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded quickly, "That's right, take something else and we'll apologize. You can't take the rabbit."

After hearing this, Jiang Qingzhi looked at Maodou Daddy and asked, "What did your family say?"

Maodou’s father hesitantly looked at Maodou who anxiously said “No”, “Be good, Maodou, we want something else.”

 “No, I want a rabbit.”

 “Rabbit, rabbit…”

 “I want a rabbit, a rabbit!”

Doumiao and Douyao, who had been getting along happily with Jiang Xiaoxin just now, also rushed to get the rabbit.

 Jiang Xiaoxin lowered his face and said, "If I ask for a rabbit, I won't give you any fruit!"

 Bean sprouts and bean sprouts were still holding fruits in their hands to eat, and they immediately stopped talking after hearing this.

 Jiang Qingzhi saw Maodou's father discussing with Maodou and knew that there was room for easing the matter, so his attitude became a little tougher.

"If you want compensation, just change it. You and your family can go back and discuss what you want. Once you've agreed, tell the Weiguo people. If you still can't agree, the team will make a decision for you."

 “That’s it for now, let’s go!”

 (End of this chapter)

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