By the time Lu Ming returned to his nest, it was already half past ten in the evening.

After a brief wash, he was ready to go to bed.

"Oh no, I'm busy today, and I don't seem to have done housework for the poisonous tongue girl."

Suddenly, Lu Ming was suddenly stunned, and he felt bad in his heart.

"It's over, I shouldn't have eaten that meal outside, and now I can't tell how I'm going to be scolded when I come back."

Just as he was thinking nonsense, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

Lu Ming opened the door with some curiosity and looked out, only to see several tenants blocking the corridor arguing about something.

"Aunt landlord, the house price is high enough, I'm just a student, why are you going to increase the price again?"

"Yes, Xiao Song, it's fate that everyone can rent your room, let's discuss the matter of raising the rent, it's really not good, let's take a step back and raise it a little less, it's not easy for the big guys."

"That is, although this is the magic capital, you can't raise the rent twice in three days, you are pure and squeezing."

Song Xinyao, who was standing on the side, was wearing a long skirt as usual, with her own pair of flip-flops on her feet, her hands on her waist, and she looked not timid in the face of everyone's shouting.

"My house here is the price, you can rent if you want, and you can move out at any time if you don't want to rent."

"Besides, now the house price is one price a day, and others are increasing the price, why don't I go up, don't say that I have no conscience, if you don't want to rent, pack up your things now, and I will give you the rest of the rent, including the deposit, and refund you."

"Do you really think I'm charitable? Xiao Zhang, you said that when you didn't have enough tuition last year, who helped you cushion it, and you, a big man, who came to your door when you owed money? Hearing

Song Xinyao's past events, several people suddenly blushed.

"But... Didn't we give it all back to you?

"It's over when you return it?" Which of you people here is in trouble, I didn't help you, but now you're yelling at me? Again, if you like to rent, you will rent, if you don't rent, you will get out, I don't welcome some white-eyed wolves here.

When he said this, Lu Ming suddenly felt that Song Xinyao was looking towards him intentionally or unintentionally, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly closed the door.

", this girl's words always feel meaningful, she means Sang scolding Huai."

"No, no, I have to find a way to remedy it quickly, otherwise there will really be no good life."

Lu Ming hid in the house and waited for a while, and after confirming that there was no sound outside, he finally slowly opened the door.

At this time, the corridor was empty, and it was right to think about it, those people had already been scolded by Song Xinyao and returned to their rooms, this poisonous tongue girl, no one in her territory was her opponent.

Lu Ming thought for a while, but still tiptoed out of the door, he planned to go out to buy some gifts, and try to save his image in her heart.

However, standing on the empty road, Lu Ming was worried, as a single dog with a single mother and fetus, he had never talked about a girlfriend in his two lives, and he had no experience in how women coaxed him.

Of course, his current economy is also a big problem, and the 3,000 that Song Xinyao transferred to him has only less than 800 yuan left after a series of expenses from him.

"What should I send?"

Lu Ming pondered as he wandered aimlessly.

"Why don't you buy her a bag, as the saying goes, it cures all diseases, but... I can't seem to afford it.

"Then why don't you send her flowers?" That's not good.,Sending flowers is generally sent by couples.,It seems a little inappropriate for me to send flowers....."

"That send cosmetics? But a good set of cosmetics doesn't seem to be cheap, not to mention that I want to save some money..."

As a woman, I'm afraid no one won't like lipstick, and this thing is not too expensive, two or three hundred yuan is enough to win, and it won't hurt money.

Lu Ming thought and felt right, and after making up his mind, he walked towards the nearest cosmetics store.

"Hello sir, welcome"

As soon as Lu Ming walked up, a beautiful young lady immediately greeted him, looking particularly enthusiastic.

"What do you need?"

It's a cosmetics specialty store, it's not big, but the design looks quite high-end, and there's a lot of assortment on the delicate glass counter.

Skincare, makeup, care and more.

Lu Ming is a rough old man, so he naturally doesn't know much about these things.

"Do you have lipstick here?"

"A little, sir, please."

The reception lady took Lu Ming to the counter on the side, and the various styles of lipstick in it instantly stunned his eyes.

"Sir, do you have a favorite shade?"

Lu Ming looked at the colorful lipsticks in front of him and stretched out his finger to point to one of them.

"I think that pink one looks pretty good."

"Sir, you have a good eye, this lipstick is the fastest selling lipstick in our store."

"You see, this pink color, after being painted, does not look like a peeled peach, and the moist water can lead people to sin."

"And the pink tone is full of girlishness, giving people a feeling of first love."

Girly.... First love....

Hearing these two words, Lu Ming was immediately attracted to attention.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Song Xinyao and Jin Yao seem to be in their thirties, although she is a rich woman, but no one wants it.

At this age, she is still single, and she should also yearn for the words girlishness and first love.

"OK, don't look any further, that's it."

"Sir, your vision is really good, who is really happy to be your girlfriend, you run out to buy lipstick in the middle of the night, you must love your girlfriend very much."

"Somewhere, it's not my girlfriend."

"Hey, you're so caring, isn't this a matter of course, if a man is willing to bother to buy me lipstick, I will definitely agree to marry him immediately."

"Really? Is lipstick really that good for girls?

"Of course, let me tell you this, a woman's obsession with lipstick is exactly the same as a man's obsession with games, if not even higher."

"Whether you are pursuing a girl or coaxing a girl, it is right to give her a lipstick, plus this male powder, I don't think any girl can refuse."

Under the various compliments of the young lady, Lu Ming had already lost his own opinions, and finally spent nearly four hundred yuan to buy this lipstick, and by the way, he asked for a beautiful gift box and packaged it.

"Hehe, I don't believe that a woman can be immune to the attraction of lipstick"

Lu Ming smiled, and then ran back quickly.

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