1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 129 Paving sleepers with Irish bones

Early the next morning, Catherine, who was mentally prepared for the heroic sacrifice, got up early, and she also found a clothing that is easy to move for herself. But when she went out, she understood that today would definitely not be as hard as yesterday, because she discovered that Scrooge had asked Anna to follow.

"When we arrive at the mine, I will ask Anna to accompany you to wait in the office. In such a place, I will take Kroll to see it." Scrooge said.

"Thank you!" Catherine replied, "I will try not to hold you back."

"I didn't expect that this guy Scrooge would be so considerate of others." Catherine thought, "but if he was a really considerate person, he wouldn't have dragged people away from workshop to workshop yesterday? "

Scrooge is certainly not a particularly considerate person. To be honest, although Scrooge found out that Catherine was tired like a dog yesterday, he did not produce much sympathy, because he felt that way. The amount of labor is really nothing. Don't talk about him, even Anna can easily come down.

So last night, the heartless Scrooge actually told Anna about Catherine's state as a joke. As a result, the soft-hearted Anna expressed sympathy to Catherine, who had just married and never even had a honeymoon, and was used as a livestock by Scrooge. And Anna carefully saw at a glance that Catherine had been insisting on following them. It's not the reason to go to the office to rest alone. So there is also the very considerate performance of Scrooge.

But in fact, today's itinerary itself is not as hard as yesterday. The mine is just to visit and identify the main person in charge. Scrooge wouldn't take Carol to drill a mine. It was too dangerous. If something happened, the McDonald family would be over.

As for inspecting the port, it is even easier. In short, Catherine didn't really get tired today.

In the afternoon, the group completed the inspection and was ready to go home. Scrooge said to the Carrolls, "I won't go back with you. I will go directly to the train station and rush to Chicago in a while. There are many things on the railway side that I have to deal with. I'll beg you here. NS."

"In such a hurry?" Carol said.

"Yes, time is money!" Scrooge replied.

The most profitable part of the Pacific Railway is not the railway itself, but the land ownership within 150 meters along the railway and the mining rights within 32 kilometers. With the completion of the railway, new towns will continue to appear along the railway, and the price of land along the railway will inevitably ascending rapidly. The benefits brought here far exceed the benefits of the railway itself. As for the mineral development rights within 32 kilometers, this is definitely a great advantage.

For example, in later generations, almost all the subways in the world are run by the government with money back. Only one city is an exception. This city is Lijiacheng, known as the Pearl of the Orient. Why can their subway make money? Is the fare particularly high? Of course not. The fare is too high and no one will sit. The secret to making money for Lijiacheng's city railway company is actually very simple, that is, their boss Li Ka-shing always takes the first place in the area where the subway line passes. Then, as soon as the subway went there, the land price skyrocketed, which naturally resulted in huge profits.

The same is true for the Pacific Railway, and more importantly, the Pacific Railway is repaired by two companies. The Union Pacific Railroad Company repaired from east to west, and the Central Pacific Railway Company repaired from west to east. The United States government does not stipulate where they meet, and wherever they are repaired, it does not matter where they meet! In this way, which company fixes faster, will naturally get more benefits. Why did the railway, which was originally scheduled to be completed in 14 years, been completed in only nine years in history? Why would Central Pacific prefer to use the Chinese workers in its hands as disposable items instead of using a batch of dead workers and then recruiting them is more costly than letting the workers slow down and repairing them? the reason is simple! At this time, the faster the speed, the more benefits will be gained. At this time, speed comes first, and safety and quality must all be kept aside. As long as you can quickly pave the railway, there will be a lot of problems that need to be repaired even if it is just finished. As long as the nearby land and mining rights are obtained, that is the greatest victory!

The previous turmoil of the Union Pacific Railroad has slowed their progress a lot. In history, because of the diligent Chinese workers, the Central Pacific Railway Company has gained more benefits than the United Pacific Railway Company. And now, in Scrooge's view, such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen again.

Sitting on the train bound for Chicago, Scrooge stared at the sunset outside the window, thinking about his thoughts blankly.

"Hey, Scrooge! What are you thinking about?" asked Anna, who was nestling next to Scrooge. With the changes in her relationship with Scrooge, she can now call Scrooge intimately when there is no one.

"Oh, nothing? How can we better mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers." Scrooge replied.

"Oh, you must have a solution! Okay, don't think about the nerve-wracking things. Too tired is not good, sometimes take a break and think again, maybe it's a good idea to jump out all at once." Anna said.

"Well, it's time to take a break." Scrooge smiled slightly, and put his arm around Anna, and said, "Because I already have a way. To celebrate, Anna, or let's do exercises together."Scrooge's method is actually simple. It is to give the workers "power pills" to encourage them, and then give them a small amount of heroin at night-this thing has a good calming effect when used in small amounts-it can be used to ensure Workers’ sleep quality. Of course, repeated use of drugs may make workers addicted to drugs, which in turn may make McDonald’s most profitable things actually not as non-addictive as they advertise. But Scrooge was not worried about this problem, he already had a solution. That is-constantly changing workers. Before those workers have time to show obvious addictive characteristics, dismiss them and replace them with a new group of workers. Of course, the time when addiction appears for each person is always different. If some people's physique itself Hey, I became addicted all of a sudden, what should I do?

It doesn't matter. In such a large project, no one cares about the dead spots. Later, when the French and United States dug the Panama Canal, only one canal less than 100 kilometers long killed 60,000 to 70,000 laborers. So when building a railway that is thousands of kilometers long, the workers are drenched in wind and rain along the way, and they have to face the threats of the Indians from time to time. Isn't it normal for people to die? Those workers who have become addicted to drugs in advance, well, Scrooge will arrange for them a seamless death or accidental death.

Besides, most of the workers hired to build the railway are Irish immigrants. Irish people are typically children whose father doesn't hurt and mother doesn't love. In theory, Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, but in fact, English people who believe in the Anglican Church have never regarded Irish people who believe in Catholicism as their own. During the great famine in Ireland, the British not only did not step up their rescue efforts, they also moved the grains in the Irish granaries to England, and blocked other countries' rescues, taking the opportunity to starve all the Irish to death. As a result, millions of people died of starvation in a small Ireland.

Since the United Kingdom treats the Irish like this, of course, what happens to the Irish cannot be expected to support them. With no one behind, the Irish will naturally become deceptive. Originally in the United States, because many planters in the South are of Irish origin, I can say a few words to the Irish immigrants. Irish immigrants in the United States are not too oppressed. However, now that the South has rebelled, and the British have consistently suppressed the Irish, the proportion of Irish people who are illiterate in Chinese is much higher than that of other European countries, and the Irish people naturally lose their status. So Irish immigrants, even if thousands of people die, even if you really use Irish bones to pave the railway sleepers, no one cares too much. As for the accidental deaths due to illness or accidents, no one cares more and more.

"With the use of'power pills', the enthusiasm of those Irish workers is estimated to be comparable to, or even slightly higher than, those of the Chinese workers of Central Pacific Company. Then, in addition, our road construction conditions themselves are better than those of Central Pacific Company. That’s good over there. We’ve won this competition!” Scrooge, who had just done some exercise, was lying naked on the wide and soft bed in the luxurious box, his right arm was from the same naked Anna’s slender. Passed under the neck, and then moved towards Recycling, holding Anna in his arms, but at the same time somehow remembered the perfect plan he had just worked out in his mind that made him quite proud. In his pride, he stretched out his left hand again, and made a circle with his fingers on Anna's trembling mountain peak.

"Those guys from the Central Pacific Railway Company will give their Chinese workers Dabu Maru. Maybe they will call this thing Citi Dabu Maru. I can’t watch them use our weapons. To deal with us, it is necessary to carry out an embargo against them, but this is absolutely against the rules of the free market. Therefore, I must be like a solution. Well, first use the newspaper to expose their inhumane behavior when using Chinese working hours. , Stand on the moral high ground, and then announce the sanctions on those who violate the conscience of mankind. In doing so, it should work."

Just like this, Scrooge hugged Anna, while thinking about his thoughts, and slowly fell asleep.

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