The day before spring break, Anthony packed up all the things at home, especially Jessica's, not to mention dog food and dog toys, and moved away even the dog house, and took away many handmade semi-finished products. He forcibly stuffed all of these into his car, and then took advantage of the dark moon and high wind, and the car took off.

Jessica: ???

Anthony grabbed Jessica's mouth and stopped her from screaming, explaining, "It's super supercaring." "

The car flies in the night sky, stuck at a speed that deforms the body across the Arctic Ocean to the Fortress of Solitude. Anthony put on one of his woolen vests for Jessica in the car, and he also wore a super thick down jacket, and one man and one dog quickly got into the warm fortress.

Superman also walked in, and the fortress gate quickly closed. Anthony had taken off his coat, and Jessica was confronted by a strange robot, screaming there.

Superman tried to appease Jessica in the past, but he didn't expect Jessica to turn her head and see him, barking and grinning, but she didn't dare to go up, and retreated as she demonstrated. He thought Jessica was going to hide behind Anthony, but he didn't expect Jessica to stop retreating in front of Anthony, although he didn't seem to have much confidence, but he still persisted in threatening Superman.

Anthony: "Jessica, I love you so much~~mua!"

Superman couldn't help but laugh, turned around and took out his glasses from the car and put them on, rolled up the sleeve of his uniform, and slowly stretched his hand in front of Jessica. Anthony gently hugged Jessica's body and didn't let her run.

Jessica was forced to sniff Superman, sniff and sniff, and sniff and let out a confused sound.

I don't know how Jessica understands it, but she no longer shows hostility towards Superman, but starts to explore the place slowly, sticking out her nose and smelling everywhere.

Anthony was picking up his pair of oddly shaped, half-finished products, and turned around to see Jessica raise her leg against a robot that was holding still.

"Jessica! no!"

Jessica paused, looking at him innocently. Superman had to carry her to the toilet and let her pee here.

Anthony analyzed: "Maybe it's not very friendly to the earth's creatures, Jessica is here for the first time, she is very insecure, and she is worried about getting lost, so she needs a scent mark." If you want to blame it, it's too big!

" Superman was aggrieved: "But we can't let Jessica poop everywhere like this."

Anthony thought of a way and rubbed Jessica against the wall: "Anyway, Jessica has been shedding a lot lately, so let her hair replace the boo!"

Joe El came out like a ghost: "Mr. Pate, because Krypton doesn't have such hairy creatures, our equipment is not good at dealing with fallen hair..."

Al: "

Anthony: If you scare me, I'll tell Clark."

Under the sight of Joe Eyre's death, Superman used Anthony's genes to open all the rights of the Lonely Fortress, and also made Jessica a unique collar, made of Kryptonian material, indicating that she is also a member of the here.

Anthony: "Clark–––––"

Jessica: "Wow!"

Joe Ayr: "Carl." Superman

: "Ah, someone's calling for help, I'll leave for a while."

With the help of the bizarre robot, Anthony set up Jessica a makeshift home at the door of his room. In order to avoid the situation of "moving" everywhere, Joe Al made two similar dog houses for Jessica.

Anthony knocked on the sturdy roof and sighed, "Jessica, you're the one with the most property in the three of us right now."

Jessica seemed to understand and licked his palm.

Jessica wasn't afraid of Joe Eyre, which surprised Anthony. He rubbed Jessica's ears and pointed at Joe Al, "Don't you think he's ghostly?"

Anthony let her play here, and then took out a large box of half-finished products, looking at Joe Eyre expectantly.

"My dear Joe, I'll borrow your technology for it.

Joe El wanted to complain, but Joe El held back.

"What is this?"

"Plant lights, I'd like to change them to solar radiant lamps so Clark can bask indoors."

Joe Eyre

: "If you need sunlight, why can't you just collect it?" Anthony: "That's great, but where is it? The Arctic sunlight is very weak, and we don't have a roof in our house, and we can't have a big solar absorption device in Kansas.

Joe El fell silent and led Anthony to a huge room. Jessica saw it, and silently followed, sitting at the door.

There are a lot of unknown instruments here, and the console is full of dazzling Kryptonian writing. Anthony's eyes don't hurt anymore now, but he still doesn't know a word.

Anthony was silent.

Anthony moved out of his fruit computer

: "Can you change the program to English?" Joe Al: "Even if you change the text on the console to the English version, the actual operation logic is still Krypton." And Krypton has a lot more knowledge than English, so, Mr. Pate, if you want to use the Solitary Fortress smoothly, you need to learn Kryptonite.

Anthony stared at him, and for the sake of Superman, Joe El took a step back: "You export your settings and programs."

Joe Eyre changed the console to the English version, and then Anthony began to adjust the spectrum in a way that he could understand, and Joe El actually operated it.

He concocted a giant solar radiation lamp, asked the robotic arm to raise it a little higher, and stood on the ground to enjoy the sun.

With a "snap", Joel turned it off and said, "The similarity has reached 99.9%, it should be usable." But it is very energy-intensive.

Anthony rolled his eyes, "I want Clark to buy some potted plants, it's dead."

Joe Al: "By the time Carl brought the greenery from the earth, they would have frozen to death."

Anthony: "We had to make a small one that could fit in a car."

Joe Al: "Then I'll have to wait for you to buy a car for Carl."

Anthony: "Wait, why should I buy it for him? He has a job of his own... By the way, it's time for me to buy it, just as our engagement money. Joel

shut up and helped Anthony make a half-finished product, and the rest was really to wait until Clark had a car before modifying it.


Superman finally returns, and is delighted to find that the atmosphere between Anthony and Joe El is much better (as the two guys agree on the matter of being good to Clark).

He put the vacuum cleaner on the ground, opened his arms to catch Anthony who jumped on top of him, and heard Anthony shout: "Carl -––––El!"

Superman looked surprised: "Have you learned Kryptonian?"

Anthony touched his nose: "At present, this word is really difficult to learn."

Superman patted him on the back: "You don't have to force yourself to learn, we all communicate in English anyway, and you can ask Joe to adjust all kinds of programs to English for you."

Joe Al: "..."

Anthony coughed, "It's okay, I'll learn slowly, I have to know your hometown."

Superman was very touched and said that he could teach Anthony Kryptonian. Anthony chose to escape: "I'll clean up Jessica's fur first, otherwise these machines will get stuck."

Anthony pushed the vacuum cleaner faster than a rabbit, and Superman quickly chased after him, and soon turned the hallway, bathed in a patch of yellow sunlight.

"Wow––" Superman said, "Is this a surprise you gave me?"

"Joe did it

...", "It was designed by Mr. Pate..."

, and the two of them spoke at the same time, looked at each other, and then shut up again. Superman held his forehead, and he didn't quite understand why Joe didn't like Anthony.

Anthony turned around to look for something to eat in the kitchen, while Superman looked at Joe Al: "Joe... Maybe we need to talk. "

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