Clark wanted to lie next to Anthony all the time, but he heard the cries for help again and had to fly out of the window. So he was still fully dressed and sat next to Anthony in a daze, so as not to disturb Anthony's sleep.

After a moment of nothing, Clarke, who owed his hand, found the mysterious box again. Anyway, he just fainted, and there was Anthony in his pocket, so Clark still touched the silver six-pointed star.

Nothing happened this time.

Clark picked it up and looked at it. It's a little soft to hold, and it seems to be of high purity. There are almost no flaws in the joints, and the workmanship is good. The age is unknown, and Clark believes it is a 2018 product.

Although it is indeed silver of high purity, I am definitely sorry for the high pricing. Clark decided to report the store, and if he couldn't report it, he used his identity as a reporter to expose it.

(Poor shopkeeper: no disaster, well, not counted)

he is actually a little sleepy, probably not in the sun recently. Anyway, the metropolis is fine for the time being, and the neighboring cities seem to have their own superheroes to protect them recently, so he lay down in his clothes and closed his eyes.

Then he actually fell asleep.


The alarm clock goes off, Clark sits up abruptly and starts looking for the alarm clock, but after looking for three seconds, he doesn't find it before he realizes that the alarm clock is ringing next door. He wiped his face, turned his head sideways and saw that Anthony was still sleeping, so he quietly got out of bed and rushed to his house with super speed to turn off the alarm clock.

Strange, how could he fall asleep? Did anything bad happen to the metropolis?

Clark was still very confident in the "keyword prompt" he had set for himself, and turned on his mobile phone to watch the news, and there was really nothing special, so he went into the kitchen with peace of mind.

He left breakfast for Anthony, grabbed his bag and went downstairs, during which he hesitated to drive the car away, and finally forgot it and ran to squeeze the subway himself. It's really the morning rush hour of the subway for a long time.


When Anthony woke up, it was already noon. He sat up slowly, in good spirits, after all, he had slept long enough. As for the sequelae of the first time, no, that is, the lower back muscles hurt a little, just like being punished for fifty crunches in college physical education class.

He walked out of the room in his loungewear and saw the note from Clark. Biscuits, meat floss bread and warm milk.

Anthony sat in a dining chair and ate breakfast while watching the fandom of the "Sour Radish Sandwich". I have to say that Orientals are really good at writing fandoms.,This Pacific Rim fanfic is also very good.,It's just a little shorter.。

He feels very happy, it's not easy to find a fandom author with similar tastes to himself, and it's also very prolific, and the novels that are currently being updated are also steadily growing in the catalog.

At this time, he finally noticed the text message sent to him by the principal, it turned out that Erin was taking drugs. Anthony replied indifferently: "I'll do a psychological assessment tomorrow." "

Anthony is still reading novels with his new phone, brushing his teeth and washing his face, going to the toilet, and changing clothes. Because he couldn't read it while driving, Anthony, who was addicted to novels, simply sat at the door, planning to finish the novel before going out to find his Superman.


Clark thinks he's been lucky today, except for the rumor that Superman is too poor to afford toilet paper.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight... Ah no, in a sense, Superman is really poor, and there is no place to put money on him.

Lex Luthor didn't catch this fuss, and he was not used to it.

But Louise writes a review criticizing Superman's bad habit of "taking the sheep by the hand" (Superman: I got the consent of the staff!), fearing that an unidentified creature with uncontrollable powers will go down a bad path, and she writes that although Superman is a "vigilante", that is not a reason for the person being helped to ignore his current situation. So if Superman really has financial problems, for the sake of what he is doing so well, the government should pay him a salary.

(Government: What's wrong with me?).

Clark struggled to comment for a moment, followed the trend and wrote an article that mocked Superman, and then began to paddle.

His luck is reflected in the fact that he didn't get caught by Perry at all, he called for help very rarely, and the number of toilet trips remained within the normal range.

At noon, when he was eating in the staff cafeteria, he settled his lunch by dividing it by two, sat down in his seat and began to report the antique shop.

The submission was successful, and he searched the Internet from memory for the author Anthony said. The first is a Harry Potter fandom.

With a hostile attitude, Clark clicked on the article. He almost squirted when he saw the synopsis - Harry and Draco?

When Clark clicked on the first chapter, Jimmy leaned in, "What are you looking at?" Harry

Potter?" Louise, who was not far away, immediately looked up: "Does Clark like Harry Potter too?" Clark

smiled stiffly: "I don't like it very much." At

the end of the day, Clark stepped out of the door of the daily planet and saw Anthony waving at him through the window. He was thinking about things, but he couldn't help but grin.

Jimmy: "What's so happy?"

Clark jumped two steps forward like a child, turned around, and shouted to Jimmy, "My boyfriend is coming to pick me up from work!"

Jimmy smiled gossip as he watched the big man happily get into the co-pilot.

As soon as Clark sat down, he saw the doll in the back seat in the rearview mirror, and Anthony fastened his seat belt to it.

"I've already gone to get it back... "

Of course," Anthony started the car, slowly squeezing into the evening rush hour, "and although there is no copyright, it still feels good." Clark

was silent for a long time and asked, "What are we going to eat for the evening?"

Anthony: "When spring break comes, there must be a lot of people going to see the puppies, so let's go and bring the puppies home tonight!" Of

course, the dog is important, Clark nodded happily. Looking at the butt of the car in front of him, Clark suddenly remembered something: "Anthony, that... Well, are you uncomfortable today, like, pain or something..."

Anthony was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "No, read less novels!" Clark

shut up in aptitude. Sure enough, fairy tales (novels) are all lies!

Anthony and Clark walk into the community's stray dog shelter.

There are two rows of cages with large and small dogs inside. The dogs were all cleaned, with dog food in the basin and separate basins.

Anthony leaned down and looked over one by one. Some dogs look very well-behaved, while others are wild and even knock over the dog food.

Abandoned dogs generally have flaws, either physical or characterful. Moreover, the psychology of stray dogs is not the same as that of long-term domestic dogs: some are full of wildness, some are attached to their old owners, and some have a "pleasing dog personality".

Clark had already started playing with the dogs, and he had always been like this, and he was very affectionate with small animals, and every puppy accepted his rubbing.

Clark spotted a half-large golden retriever, crouched down to hold its paws, and shouted happily, "Puppy-

" Anthony leaned over to look, "Oh Clark, he's like you!"

He grinned, as if he was smiling, and took the initiative to put his paw into Clark's hand, looking particularly gentle and sunny.

Jose, a volunteer at the shelter, hurriedly said: "He has already been booked, and someone will come to pick him up tomorrow."

Clark stood up regretfully, knowing that this beautiful pooch was very popular.

However, given that Anthony is not particularly popular with dogs, it is clear that they should follow Anthony as a standard.

Anthony put his hands on the cages one by one, and finally, a skinny corgi skewer hesitantly raised its paws and touched Anthony's hand. Anthony judged that the dog should be a more humble character.

Facing Clark, the skewers are a little more lively.

Unfortunately, such a well-behaved dog has also been booked, saying that it is going to be a birthday present for a little boy.

In the end, Anthony fell in love with a border herd who was not very close. This border herd is more than a year old, which is not the right age for adoption. Anthony puts her hand on the cage and she'll gouge it with her paws.

Thankfully, Anthony was quick to stop. Clark pulled him back, "Let's not ask for this." "

According to José, the border herd has been here for a long time and has a bad temper and dissuades many people who want to adopt. There were also people who took her home because of her beautiful appearance, but sent her back two days later.

Anthony knocked on the cage, and the border herd bared his teeth. He told Clark, "Everybody wants to adopt a young, obedient, or lively puppy, and no one wants a dog like that."

Clark hesitated, "But... I'm not afraid, but you...

He put his finger in the cage, but the border herd ignored him. He was surprised.

Anthony: "Can I open the cage?".

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